
The deacons care for the health of the congregation. They are the silent servants who make sure things run smoothly. Examples of the work they do include: preparing communion, organizing memorial services, sending care packages to college students or serving military, and organizing the Sunday morning greeters. The deacons are also the ones who perform home-bound ministry. They offer the sacraments to people who cannot leave their homes and maintain our relationship with members who can't make it to Sunday service.  Additionally, the deacons at our church do an annual Christmas Angel drive.  


It's what we do. We seek to engage our greater community and share the good news. We do this by opening our doors to external users, providing aid to those in need, and partnering with community organizations.


It's who we are. We seek to maintain a vibrant community. We do this by fostering the growth of our youth, nurturing friendships within our family, celebrating life together, and supporting each other in times of need.


It's where we are. We seek to leverage the opportunities we have to share God's love in downtown Boise. We do this by hosting community events, advancing a message of love and co-operation, and providing a place of worship open to all.

What It means to be Presbyterian

Our Reformed/Presbyterian faith has “habits of the heart”: God’s initiative in all things.

“We believe in being a covenant and confessional community…and, apparently, in alliteration. God created humankind to be God’s image together, not separately.”


“In the beginning when God created,” says Genesis 1. God initiates creation. God brings it all into existence. God is the one who sets things in motion to create all things in heaven and earth. Without God making the first move, we would be nothing!

The Word of God in Scripture

God makes the first move in revealing God’s self to those whose writings we have today as our Scriptures. God’s revelation was to humans who conveyed God’s word to us. Without God’s initiative, we would never, ever know who God is or what God has done. Scripture is God’s message conveyed by humans.


This means God has become human in Jesus Christ. God initiates salvation, redeeming us from sinful lives by sending the Son of God, Jesus Christ, to be our Savior. God could have let us “stew in our own juice,” as sinners. But God “so loved the world” that God gave Jesus Christ to die to save us (John 3:16).


The Reformed faith stresses the glory of God and God’s initiative in salvation. We are saved by God’s loving action for us in Jesus Christ. We call this election (or pre- destination). God picks us up in our sin and does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. God gives us salvation—a restored relationship with God. We are saved by grace, or by God’s gracious election.


The church is God’s covenant people, the “elect,” as we say. We are part of the church today because of God’s work by the Holy Spirit in giving us the gift of faith in Je- sus Christ. Again, God—by the Spirit—draws us into the covenant community.